In today’s fragmented marketing environment, it is harder than ever to launch successful innovations. There are several criteria that lead to successful products, some of them are shown in the image below. Innovation isn’t important unless you want your business to survive. However, out of every 100 new consumer products that come to market, 80% to 90% fail. This results in retiring innovations from the market in only 12 months after market launch. Marketers and business owners are looking for options that help in minimizing the risk of failure and increase the probability of a successful launch of new products and services.
4SiGHT new product market research company Saudi Arabia help companies to innovate, develop and launch successful products
How do clients benefit from our Innovation and Product Development solutions?
KPIs vs Norms
Product Delivery vs Expectations
Purchase Drivers
Concept-Product Synergy
Further Product Improvement
Collate Category Learning
If you are looking for new product market research company Saudi Arabia, please reach out to one of our marketing research consultants at +966 11 4507622 or +966 12 6903389