90% of the information we perceive is visual. Our experiences, including retail experiences are mostly visual. Eye Tracking delivers high-quality precise data about customer perceptions of products and advertisement material.
Data is presented in form of visuals – heat maps, gaze plots, opacity maps. You can also get statistics on areas of interest you select. Eye Tracking is effective for testing videos, websites, packaging, images, product shelves, design layouts, etc.
EEG (Brain Activity) is the method of recording electrical activity generated by the brain. EEG measures brain activity, giving you more insights to how people react to your product. Consumer attention levels are measured and recorded, while he/she is viewing preselected materials. Data output in form of a graph shows you how focused customers are at each particular moment of viewing the product – whether the consumer’s attention to the stimuli was high or low. EEG is effective for testing videos, websites, advertisements and marketing messages.
Emotions are the key to the effectiveness of an advertisement. Emotions measurement shows you how your products or marketing materials make consumers feel – delighted, skeptical, angry…? Facial coding allows to capture your consumer’s feelings once they are exposed to the product/service. Data output shows the range of emotions consumers expressed, while looking at the advertisement, website, product, commercial, packaging, design layouts, etc.
Mouse Tracking gives you accurate data on consumer online behaviour. Mouse movements and clicks show, if consumers choose to click on your banner ad, what they do next and when they leave the page.
Data output is presented in a form of statistics based on your area of interest. It is a great way to understand noticeability of small elements, action buttons, links and make sure customers find what they are looking for.
How biased are you? Nobody wants to think and moreover admit publicly that he/she has gender, race, age or any other biases. People lie and hide their real emotions. So how can we figure out the real attitude to things?
With Implicit Priming Test, you can discover the consumer’s thoughts outside of conscious mind. It (IPT) is a subset of IRT approach (Implicit Reaction Time) that combines elements of the Semantic Priming Task and the Implicit Association Test. It allows the capturing and measurement of unconscious reactions to external stimuli. IPT helps to understand consumers real attitude to the test object by comparing the speed of response provision in combination with objects and various statements or characteristics.
IPT is effective for testing – brand names, logos, symbols, products, packages, concepts, advertisements, celebrities, TV presenters, Actors, political personalities, etc.