The Rise of the Responsible Consumer.
A ‘reset’ button for all of us
COVID-19 has had a dramatic impact on our lives as consumers and shoppers. In just a few months, the pandemic has in many ways made us ‘reset’ our attitudes, behaviors and purchasing habits, many of which will ‘stick’ in post-pandemic times.
While purchases initially were centered mostly around basic needs, we are now shopping more consciously, buying local and embracing digital commerce. Attitudes regarding socially responsible behavior are also being redefined – not just ours but also our expectations from the brands we consume, experience, support, etc.
A ‘tipping point’ for local businesses and local brands
SMEs form the backbone of any economy; however, they are the ones who are worst affected because of this pandemic. During these times, our ‘neighborhood’ groceries, merchants, and service providers have been our saviors. We realized how important they are to us – they are our ecosystem, our community – without whom, our lives would have been tough to sustain over the last few months.
Opting for locally grown/produced products may fast become a necessity for businesses and consumers who are concerned about product/sourcing origin (especially if they are from severely impacted countries) as well as practical supply chain and logistical challenges. This has created a fertile ground for the local businesses and local brands to thrive, while presenting an opportunity for us (consumers) to become ‘more responsible, ‘caring’ and contributing to resurrect / support our local heroes – our ecosystem, our lifeline. This ‘responsibility/care’ may now have to border on activism – this may be required to bring our local economies back.
‘Trust is foundational’ in this symbiotic structure
The relationship between a business and its customers is often a delicate one. One bad experience and the consumer will remember that and may even socialize with others. “Trust is that feeling when you walk away from an interaction with a brand or business and feel happy about it – you were treated well, the interaction was pleasant, satisfied with the item or service you received and an overall great experience”.
Between a local neighborhood store and an established retail, we know what we are most likely to experience at either location. It is that personal connection that differentiates these experiences and that is what matters to consumers!
Global and big businesses are investing heavily in achieving this “personalized customer experience” digitally – local businesses/brands counter this with the “human element”, a crucial ingredient in the post-pandemic world…we have learnt it the hard way, isn’t it?
International Brands, raise your ‘responsibility quotient’
For consumers, supporting local business is critical in a post-pandemic world, in terms of reviving local economies. Supporting local business typically could mean sourcing local products and/or an associated national pride with home-grown brands and/or seeking products that meet the local palate preferences.
This is where the opportunity for global manufacturers, retailers and brands lies – leverage the local appeal to mitigate consumer concerns, by being a partner in the equation. Consumers are expecting these companies to raise their ‘responsibility quotient’!
Communicate with different Responsible Consumer ‘Personas’
Individual opinions and needs are shaped by our own psychology and how we view our environment and the role we have in it.
One size doesn’t fit all – though the concern about the current situation is mainstream, the strategies adopted by consumers are more likely to be shaped by their personalities, motivations, how they want to react under such circumstances, the role they would like to play, etc.
Businesses and brands, both local and international, need to engage with them in alignment with their brand’s essence – ensuring that the message is the right shade of ‘responsibility’ that resonates with their target consumer’s persona.
Below are some examples of the different ‘responsible consumer’ personas…
Persona 1: “The time to act is NOW. We should not sit back”
- Who they are?
- Confident, bold individuals; action oriented; proactive
- What are their motivations?
- Cause worth fighting for; excitement; untamed energies – crusaders
- What is their role and how they want to react?
- Sense of urgency, wants to lead the way
- Totally committed, making a stand; self-righteous
- What are they doing now?
- Actively involved (supporting, doing their part, activism, significant actions)
- Buying and supporting products & services from local business
- Buying locally made products
- Boycotting brands that are not in line with the cause
- Are overt/visible with their support
Persona 2: “Let us get the facts right. We need a long-term plan”
- Who they are?
- Organized, well-informed and well-read; competent and responsible
- What are their motivations?
- Everything should be in control; situations to be governed wisely, decisions should be well thought through
- What is their role and how they want to react?
- Take an informed approach; focused on the details
- Share knowledge and understanding
- Change behaviour step by step
- What are they doing now?
- Supporting research-based companies/businesses
- Checking whether the sourcing of local raw materials or using local resources is genuine and in line with the cause
- Vigilantly watching all developments, following the details
Persona 3: “This challenge is bigger than us. We all have to do our bit”
- Who they are?
- Open and welcoming; Practical, sensible; community focused; down-to-earth
- What are their motivations?
- Harmony and balance; a shared responsibility; what unites us all
- What is their role and how they want to react?
- Balanced and moderate; doing what is realistic
- Changing everyday habits
- Working with others, sharing the burden
- What are they doing now?
- Playing their part, never letting others down
- Buying and supporting products & services from local businesses
- Buying locally made products
- Conserving resources, being judicious
- Mobilize people for supporting the local businesses; socialize the cause
These are not the only personas. There would be more, covering other nuances – worth conducting an insights project to uncover other personas and size them.
So, what next.
As consumers, while the overall sentiment at a personal level is negative, supporting local businesses and brands is mandatory – it is directly linked with the revival of their own situation.
Being a Responsible Consumer is the mantra.
While it is important to provide that level of positive interaction and trust for the consumers, many businesses may not know where to start. They should be willing to reach out and cultivate active relationships with consumers, by identifying the right persona (aligned with their brand’s essence) and engaging/involving them in their journey of revival. Consumers will be more than happy to contribute – make them your brand Influencer, brand ambassador, get their testimonial out there to engage with more such prospects.