Voice of customer & service quality research among banking customers
Sector- Banking
Business Practice- Customer Satisfaction / Voice of Customer / Customer Engagement
The Need
This UAE bank recognizes the importance of understanding customer needs and to improve services. The final aim for the bank is to deliver best in class customer experience.
In the pursuit of this goal, the bank implemented a research program that seeks to evaluate customer experience immediately after different interactions/transactions their customers have with the bank. This program involved the execution of focused surveys to understand the different experiences and Moments of truth along the Customer Journey with the bank.
Our Approach
Voice of Customer is a program that analyzes different aspects of client relationship with the bank across different channels and segments to compare it with the peer group (competitive benchmarking). The overall objective of the project is to measure and understand client engagement.
The research also helped measure customer engagement through satisfaction, willingness to continue/loyalty and recommendation as well as understand the reasons/diagnostics for the brand performance in a competitive context.
The research also helped understand the strengths and weaknesses of the pillars (product, service, brand, pricing), and understand their contribution on customer engagement, thus identifying areas to fix in terms of customer expectations and competitive gap.
The research is being conducted annually since 2014, through telephonic interviews with the bank customers as well as competition customers. The research is conducted covering different banking segments – Retail Banking, Retail Islamic Banking, Business Banking, Commercial Banking and Corporate Banking.
The Outcome
Highly satisfied customers are more loyal, more likely to purchase and refer to bank. This research helps the bank, measure their customer’s satisfaction with them as well as their likelihood to recommend the bank to their friends, colleagues and relations, i.e. assess the strength of bank advocacy. This measurement has a competitive context so the bank’s performance is benchmarked against their peers.
The study is able to provide the bank, areas where they are doing well as well as areas to improve/work-on to enhance their customer engagement. This strategic understanding helps the bank plan for the strategic goals based on which different channels, products, touchpoints stakeholders are evaluated.