Competitive Tariff Monitor for a Telecom Service Provider

Sector- Telecoms
Business Practice- Market Understanding
The Need
The pre-paid telecom market is very dynamic with service providers launching new tariff plans on a very regular basis. The need was to track which types of tariff plans cut better with customers, in terms of consideration and pick-up.
Our Approach
A dynamic research tool was deployed, where the tariff plans were changed in line with market launches on a regular basis. The value and relevance of the findings was heavily dependent on the frequency of such updates in the research instrument
CATI interviews were conducted with a weekly sample of pre-paid users, randomly drawn from a database. Monthly updates were provided, in line with the frequency of tariff plan updates.
The Outcome
Data and international calling plans were the 2 key tariff plans that resonated most with customers. One of the service providers held an edge on data plans while another held an edge on international calling plans. Further, customers are always on the lookout for a better plan – therefore, there is a need to maintain the excitement in the market. Over-dependence on a single plan or plan type did not augur well for any service provider, as most plans had a shelf-life with respect to capturing attention.